Frequently asked questions

How much will it cost to start a podcast?

Podramp costs you $0 to launch a new podcast. We make our money from the advertisers & podcast sponsorships that we pre-vet & bring onto your show.

Usually, this looks like a 10% - 30% revenue split fee; meaning the podcaster will keep 70% - 90% of any ad revenue generated.

How much time does it take to start a podcast?

It depends on many factors, but usually our customers can expect for their podcast to go live in 30-90 days.

How many hours of my time will it take each week?

A standard format podcast can take as little as 4 hours per week.

What if I don't have any good ideas for a podcast?

Podramp helps with ideation and creating a podcast that best compliments your existing social accounts & brand style.

Can I repurpose the content & post to my social accounts?

Not only can you, but we encourage all creators to remix & repurpose all podcast content across all their social channels.

What if I'm not a good speaker?

You're not alone. Podramp is here to hold your hand & designed to make the podcasting jump easy for beginners. There's two options we can take:

1) We have coaches & programs to put you through that will help you become a great speaker & podcaster.

2) We can format your show so you're not the main voice, such as interview-style podcasts.

How much money can I make?

Industry standard for podcasting is $30 CPM, so you can do the math.

Still have questions?

Don't see your question answered? Reach out and we are happy to help answer your questions.

[email protected]